Once Upon A Romance

Once Upon A Romance's Review Of...
ShadowsForge 1-Three Times a Hero
by Jena' Galifany


ShadowsForge 1-Three Times a Hero cover art Reviewer: Janet Davies
Title: ShadowsForge 1-Three Times a Hero - 1st in ShadowsForge Trilogy
Author: Jena' Galifany
Publisher: Whiskey Creek Press
ISBN: Paperback 1-59374-552-4
E-book 1-59374-553-2
Release Date: June 2006
Genre/Sub-genre: Contemporary Romance
Year/Setting: Present time - California
Overall Rating: 4.5
Sexual Content Rating: Subtle
Language (Profanity) Rating: None
Violent Content Rating: Minimal
Jena's Website: jenagalifany.bravehost.com

Ty Synclair has seen it all and done it all.  As a member of the British rock group ShadowsForge, his hectic life revolves around performances, traveling and parties. But the traveling and the adrenalin rush of an audience are no longer enough for him. Nor is he interested in one night stands with the available, forgettable groupies who flaunt their wares so brazenly.  Ty wants more out of life.  He wants to be loved for the man he is and not the image he projects to an adoring public.  He is looking for 'the one'. He knows she is out there somewhere.

Alexis Rivers is getting out of town fast.  She has a plan to go to Oregon, to start a new life.  She leaves behind her a legacy of mental abuse and domestic violence.  Alexis no longer wants to play the part of the victim to her abusive ex-lover.  She wants a better life and she wants to live it on her terms. Maybe there is a Prince Charming out there for her but Alexis isn't about to go looking for him.  She needs time to heal the wounds inflicted on her body and soul. Having a man in her life is not part of her plan.

An accident on a snow covered road during a blizzard in the mountains of California brings Ty and Alexis together.  Is it coincidence or synchronicity that they meet? Ty is wary of Alexis’ reaction to him. Does she know who he is? And if she does, is she interested in him for his fame only as other women have been? Alexis is interested in Ty but she is reluctant to let down her defenses to his friendly, tender overtures. What does he want from her? And does she have anything to give?

Whilst stranded in a cabin, awaiting the snow to stop, both Ty and Alexis find mutual attraction and instant companionship building. But fear also lurks beyond the surface. The fear of failure, of giving too much without any return and the possibility that the truths they hide will ruin the moment. And neither Ty nor Alexis are after a one night stand.

ShadowsForge1-Three Times a Hero is sweet old fashioned romance. Ty and Alexis are characters that are easy to identify with.  They are vulnerable and flawed, alone and yet hopeful. I liked the idea of bringing two people together who are unknowingly looking for each other. Do they take a chance on sudden romance or worry about consequences?

There are so many issues in this book that I believe the reader can identify with - loneliness, longing and fear. There is also the need to be a part of something more than the superficial or safe. It’s a story of finding the one person who makes you feel comfortable enough to take a chance. Like true romance, you want the characters to get together.  I also liked the sudden change of pace towards the end of the book, it added an interesting edge.

On a personal level, the cynic in me wondered if the character of Alexis was on a definite rebound from one man to another. Whilst you want to see Alexis find a good man and life, I wondered what would have happened if she had been on her own for a while then met a man. But then, what is meant to be will be.

ShadowsForge1-Three Times a Hero is about searching for something more and not being afraid of the possibilities of what you may find.  I found it a good, easy to read novel that absorbs you into the lives of the characters. As to who saved who and who is the hero, I think that’s up to the reader to decide. If you believe in soul mates and the possibilities of coincidence then this is the book for you.

I would definitely be interested in reading the further adventures of the boys of rock group ShadowsForge.  


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