Once Upon A Romance

Once Upon A Romance's Review Of...
Spell Across Time: The Pentacle by Regan Taylor


Spell Across Time: The Pentacle cover art Reviewer: Janet Davies
Title: Spell Across Time: The Pentacle
Author: Regan Taylor
Publisher: Whiskey Creek Press
E-book ISBN: 978-1-59374-733-6
Release Date: February 2007
Genre/Sub-genre: Paranormal Romance
Year/Setting: Present Day – San Francisco
Overall Rating: 4.0
Sexual Content Rating: Sensual
Language (Profanity/Slang) Rating: None
Violent Content Rating: Minimal
Regan's Website: www.regantaylor.com

A madman is stalking investigative reporter Kelly McKenna. Death threats, dead roses and mutilated dolls are sent to her with strangely possessive notes attached. It is only when a bomb blows up her car that Kelly accepts this has gone way beyond someone with a grudge. This creep wants her dead and he seems to know her every move and thought. Who is out to get Kelly and why? And what is the significance to the pentacle necklaces Kelly and her friends wear?

Her best friend, Susan is a witch. She suspects there is much more going on than Kelly is consciously aware of. The dreams that haunt Kelly seem to have a recurring theme. They revolve around the same three men spanning past centuries in time. David her ex-husband took his break up with Kelly badly. He wants reconciliation. Adrian, hers current boyfriend, is possessive and desperately in love with Kelly. He jealously clings to what he has with her. And then there is ATF agent Ryan Michaels. He is a newcomer into Kelly’s circle of acquaintances. Ryan is drawn to his charge more than he should be or his job allows. Is it just a coincidence that all these men constantly appear in her nightly visions as well as her everyday life?

As dreams of Ancient Egypt, Roman soldiers, witch trials in Salem and the mystical Atlantis haunt her unconscious mind, Kelly begins to believe that the people who surround her in her present life are interconnected with her past lives. Is there a reason she is reliving the same life experiences? Is there some karmic a lesson she has to learn? As Kelly’s dreams and vision slowly reveal the truth to her, the danger intensifies and she is unsure of who to turn to. Who amongst her friends and lovers can she trust?

I found all the characters are interesting and different. And, as far as I was concerned every one of them had a motive to be cruelly taunting Kelly, even those that had a minor role in her life. I kept changing my opinion of the bad guy/girl constantly through the book. But then, I am suspicious by nature, so I enjoyed pinning the threats on each of them. There are heroes and villains all mixed up in this reincarnation saga.

I always like a book that gets me interested in the first couple of sentences. The prologue was excellent. I also like and believe in the concept that you can be drawn to someone so strongly that you will go against logic to follow your heart.

If I had any criticism it would be that Spell Across Time: The Pentacle dragged slightly in parts. But, that may have more to do with me being impatient to know what was going on, more than the book. I always want to know all the answers.

If you believe in soul mates, witches, reincarnation and karma then Spell Across Time: The Pentacle will appeal.


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